Azamuke, D., Katarahweire, M., Bainomugisha, E. (2025). Financial Fraud Detection Using Rich Mobile Money Transaction Datasets. In: Sere, A., Sie, O., Saeed, R.A. (eds) Towards new e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries. AFRICOMM 2023. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 588. Springer, Cham.
Mwotil, A., Kanagwa, B., Zawedde, A., Anderson, T.E., and Bainomugisha, E. (2025). Cloud Adoption in Low Resource Settings: A Case Study of Higher Education Institutions in Uganda. In: Sere, A., Sie, O., Saeed, R.A. (eds) Towards new e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries. AFRICOMM 2023. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 587. Springer, Cham.
Deo Okure, Engineer Bainomugisha, Daniel Ogenrwot, Richard Sserunjogi, Priscah Adrine, and Gabriel Okello (2025). Case Study of Participatory Data-Driven Approaches to Improve Urban Air Quality in Kampala, Uganda. In: Elaine O. Nsoesie and Blessing Mberu (eds) Urban Health in Africa, Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 9781421451152
Azamuke, D., Katarahweire, M.,and Bainomugisha, E.
(2024). MoMTSim: A Multi-agent-based Simulation Platform
Calibrated for Mobile Money Transactions. in Journal IEEE
Access, vol. 12, pp. 120226-120238, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3439012
A. Mwotil, T. Anderson, B. Kanagwa, T. Stavrinos and E.
Bainomugisha (2024). LowPaxos: State Machine
Replication for Low Resource Settings, in Journal IEEE
Access, vol. 12, pp. 91272-91288, 2024, doi:
Bainomugisha, E, and Nakatumba-Nabende, J
(2024). Developing and Deploying End-to-End Machine Learning
Systems for Social Impact: A Rubric and Practical Artificial
Intelligence Case Studies from African Contexts. Journal of
Applied AI Letters, 2024. published by: John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd. doi:
Caradee Yael Wright, Anelisa Jaca, Thandi Kapwata, Natasha
Naidoo, Babatunde Awokola, Engineer Bainomugisha,
Kiros T Berhane, Suzana Blesic, Anderson Kehbila, Rajen
Naidoo, Bono Nemukula, Benjamin Kofi Nyarko, Akinkunmi Paul
Okekunle, Tolu Oni, Reginald Quansah, Sokhna Thiam, Ibrahim
Sidi Zakari, Negussie Beyene (2024) Identifying globally
relevant learnings from Africa's challenges and solutions to
climate change and air pollution-related health impacts: a
data science scoping review protocol. BMJ Open
2024;14:e076941. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076941
Omid Ghaffarpasand, Deo Okure, Paul Green, Saba Sayyahi,
Priscilla Adong, Richard Sserunjogi, Engineer
Bainomugisha, Francis D. Pope (2024). The impact
of urban mobility on air pollution in Kampala, an exemplar
sub-Saharan African city. Elsevier Journal of Atmospheric
Pollution Research, 2024, 102057, ISSN 1309-1042,
E. Bainomugisha, P. Adrine, F. Busigu, A.
Nshimye, M. Birungi, and D. Okure (2024). AI-driven
environmental sensor networks and digital platforms for
urban air pollution monitoring and modelling. Elsevier
Journal of Societal Impacts, Volume 3, 2024, 100044, ISSN
Azamuke, D., Katarahweire, M., Muleesi Businge, J., Kizza,
S., Opio, C., Bainomugisha, E. (2024).
Refining Detection Mechanism of Mobile Money Fraud Using
MoMTSim Platform. In: Debelee, T.G., Ibenthal, A.,
Schwenker, F., Megersa Ayano, Y. (eds) Pan-African
Conference on Artificial Intelligence. PanAfriConAI 2023.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol
2069. Springer, Cham.
E. Bainomugisha, K. Bradshaw, M. Mabeifam
Ujakpa, J. N. Nabende, L. Nderu, N. Mduma, P. Kihoza, And A.
Irungu (2024). Computer Science Education in Selected
Countries from Sub-Saharan Africa. ACM Inroads, Volume
15 Issue 1 pp 64–82
E. Bainomugisha, J. Ssematimba, D. Okedi,
Anold Nsubuga, M. Banda, G. W. Settala, G. Lubisia (2023).
AirQo sensor kit: A particulate matter air quality sensing
kit custom designed for low-resource settings. Elsevier
Journal of HardwareX, Volume 16, 2023,ISSN 2468-0672,
Smith, M. T., Ross, M., Ssematimba, J., Álvarez A.
M., Bainomugisha E., and Wilkinson R.
(2023). Modelling calibration uncertainty in networks of
environmental sensors. Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society Series C: Applied Statistics
Ssanyu, J. and Bainomugisha, E. and
Kanagwa, B. (2023), Teaching language processing with the
PAMOJA framework, Elsevier Journal of Science of Computer
Programing, Volume 229, 2023, 102959, ISSN 0167-6423,
Nakatumba-Nabende, J., Suuna, C., Bainomugisha, E.
(2023). AI Ethics in Higher Education: Research Experiences
from Practical Development and Deployment of AI Systems. In:
Corrigan, C.C., Asakipaam, S.A., Kponyo, J.J., Luetge, C.
(eds) AI Ethics in Higher Education: Insights from Africa
and Beyond. SpringerBriefs in Ethics. Springer, Cham.
Bainomugisha, E.; Ssematimba, J.; Okure,
D (2023). Design Considerations for a Distributed Low-Cost
Air Quality Sensing System for Urban Environments in
Low-Resource Settings. Atmosphere 2023, 14, 354.
Galiwango, R., Bainomugisha, E.,
Kivunike, F. et al. (2022). Air pollution and mobility
patterns in two Ugandan cities during COVID-19 mobility
restrictions suggest the validity of air quality data as a
measure for human mobility. Springer Journal of Environ Sci
Pollut Res (2022).
G. Okello, R. Nantanda, B. Awokola, M. Thondoo, D. Okure,
L. Tatah, E. Bainomugisha, T. Oni (2022),
Air quality management strategies in Africa: A scoping
review of the content, context, co-benefits and unintended
consequences, Elsevier Journal of Environment International,
Volume 171, 2023, 107709, ISSN 0160-4120,
E. Bainomugisha and A. Mwotil (2022).
Crane Cloud: A resilient multi-cloud service abstraction
layer for resource-constrained settings, Elsevier Journal of
Development Engineering, 2022, 100102, ISSN 2352-7285,
P. Gahungu, Christopher W.L, Mauricio A. A., E.
Bainomugisha, M. T. Smith, R. D. Wilkinson
(2022). Adjoint-aided inference of Gaussian process driven
differential equations. In Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022)
Clarke, K., Ash, K., Coker, E.S., Sabo-Attwood, T. and Bainomugisha,
E.(2022). A Social Vulnerability Index for Air
Pollution and Its Spatially Varying Relationship to PM2. 5
in Uganda. Atmosphere, 13(8), p.1169.
R. Sserunjogi, J. Ssematimba, D. Okure, D. Ogenrwot, P.
Adong, L. Muyama, N. Nsimbe, M. Bbaale, E.Bainomugisha (2022), Seeing the air in
detail: Hyperlocal air quality dataset collected from
spatially distributed AirQo network, Elsevier Journa of Data
in Brief, Volume 44, 2022, 108512, ISSN 2352-3409,
Adong, P, Bainomugisha, E, Okure, D,
Sserunjogi, R (2022). Applying machine learning for large
scale field calibration of low-cost PM2.5 and PM10 air
pollution sensors. Journal of Applied AI Letters. 2022; 1-
16. doi:10.1002/ail2.76
Muganji, J. and Bainomugisha, E.
(2022). Plascua: Programming Language Support for Continuous
User Authentication. SN COMPUT. SCI. 3, 450 (2022).
Mwotil, A. Bainomugisha, E. and
Araka S. G. M. (2022). MIRA: an Application
Containerisation Pipeline for Small Software Development
Teams in Low Resource Settings. In Proceedings of the ACM
Federated Africa and Middle East Conference on Software
Engineering (FAMECSE). ISBN 978-1-4503-9663-9, 7-8 June
2022, Egypt-Uganda, published by: ACM, New York, NY, USA,
Azamuke, D., Katarahweire, M. and Bainomugisha, E.
(2022). Scenario-based Synthetic Dataset Generation for
Mobile Money Transactions. In Proceedings of the ACM
Federated Africa and Middle East Conference on Software
Engineering (FAMECSE). ISBN 978-1-4503-9663-9, 7-8 June
2022, Egypt-Uganda, published by: ACM New York, NY, USA,
Green, P., Okure, D., Adong, P., Sserunjogi, R., & Bainomugisha,
E. (2022), Exploring PM2.5 variations from
calibrated low-cost sensor network in Greater Kampala,
during COVID-19 imposed lockdown restrictions: Lessons for
Policy. Clean Air Journal, 32(1).
Atuhaire, C.; Gidudu, A.; Bainomugisha, E. and
.; Mazimwe A. (2022). Determination of
Satellite-Derived PM2.5 for Kampala District, Uganda.
Geomatics 2022, 2, 125-143.
Okure, D., Ssematimba, J., Sserunjogi R. , Lozano-Gracia
N. , Soppelsa M. , Bainomugisha, E.
(2022). Characterisation of ambient
air quality in selected urban areas in Uganda using low-cost
sensing and measurement technology. In Journal of
Environmental Science & Technology. ACS.
B. Akera, J. Mukiibi, L. S. Naggayi, C. Babirye, I.
Owomugisha, S. Nsumba, J. Nakatumba-Nabende, E. Bainomugisha,
E. Mwebaze, J. Quinn (2022). Machine Translation
For African Languages: Community Creation Of Datasets And
Models In Uganda. 3rd Workshop on African Natural Language
Processing (AfricaNLP2022) workshop colocated with ICLR2022,
29, April 2022.
J. Ssanyu and E. Bainomugisha and B.
Kanagwa (2021), PAMOJA: A Component Framework for
Grammar-Aware Engineering, Elsevier Journal of Science of
Computer Programing, Volume 211, 2021, 102703, ISSN
E. S. Coker, A.K. Amegah, E. Mwebaze, J. Ssematimba, E.
Bainomugisha (2021),
A land use regression model using machine learning and
locally developed low cost particulate matter sensors in
Uganda, in Elsevier Journal of Environmental Research,
Volume 199, 2021,111352, ISSN 0013-9351,
M. Katarahweire, E. Bainomugisha, Khalid
A. Mughal, and J. Ngubiri (2021) Form-based Security in
Mobile Health Data Collection Systems, in Journal of
Security and Privacy, published by: John Wiley & Sons, 1–29.
E. Bainomugisha, Regina Hebig, and Michel
Chaudron (2021). Emerging Software Engineering Research
Networks in (East) Africa, April 2021, Journal of ACM
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 46, Issue 2,
M. Katarahweire, E. Bainomugisha, Khalid
A. Mughal (2020) Data Classification for Secure Mobile
Health Data Collection Systems, in Elsevier Journal of
Development Engineering, Volume 5, 2020, 100054, ISSN
A. K. Ssebwana and E. Bainomugisha (2020),
"A Secure Context-aware Content Sharing Kiosk for Mobile
Devices in Low-Resourced Environments," in SAIEE Africa
Research Journal, vol. 111, no. 3, pp. 102-110, Sept. 2020,
E. Bainomugisha, Regina Hebig, and Michel
Chaudron(2020). Sustainable Capacity Building in Software
Engineering Research in Africa: The Example of the BRIGHT
Project. In Journal of SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 45, 3 (July
2020), 18–20. DOI:
M. Katarahweire, E.
Bainomugisha and K. Mughal (2019) A Multi-Level
Data Sensitivity Model for Mobile Health Data Collection
Systems. Book Chapter In: Rocha, Á. et al (eds)
Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCist). Advances
in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 932. Springer. SBN:
J. Businge; M. Openja; D. Kavaler; E.
Bainomugisha; F. Khomh; V. Filkov (2019)
Study of Android App Popularity by Cross-Linking Github and
Google Play Store. In IEEE 26th International Conference on
Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER),
February 24-27, 2019, Hangzhou, China
J. Businge; S. Kawuma; M. Openja ; E.
Bainomugisha; A. Serebrenik (2019) How Stable Are
Eclipse Application Framework Internal Interfaces? In IEEE
26th International Conference on Software Analysis,
Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), February 24-27, 2019,
Hangzhou, China
J. Businge, M. Openja, S. Nadi, E.
Bainomugisha and T. Berger (2018) "Clone-Based
Variability Management in the Android Ecosystem" In
Proceedings of the IEEE 34th International Conference on
Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2018). Septmber
2018, Madrid, Spain Published by IEEE.
E. Bainomugisha,
J. Vallejos, E. Gonzalez Boix, P. Costanza, T. D'Hondt, and
W. De Meuter (2012). “Bringing
Programming to the iPhone – Experience”. In Journal
of Software: Practice and Experience, Volume: 42,
N° in volume: 3, pp: 331 - 356, eds: R. Nigel Horspool, Andy
J. Wellings, published by: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,
ISBN-ISSN: 0038-0644.
E. Bainomugisha,
J. Vallejos, E. Tanter, E. Gonzalez Boix, P. Costanza, W. De
Meuter, and T. D'Hondt (2009). “Resilient
Actors: A Runtime Partitioning Model for Pervasive
Computing Services”. In Proceedings
the International Conference on Pervasive Services
(ICPS'09), Imperial College, London, UK, pp: 31 -
40, published by: ACM, ISBN-ISSN: 978-1-60558-644-1.
E. Bainomugisha,
A. Lombide Carreton, T. Van Cutsem, S. Mostinckx, and W. De
Meuter (2013). “A
on Reactive Programming”. Accepted to appear in Journal
of ACM Computing Surveys, Volume: 45, N° in volume:
4, N° of pages: 35, published by: ACM. Impact
factor: 9.920, 5-year: 14.672 The Journal of ACM Computing
Surveys has the highest impact factor among all Computer
Science journals.
P. Koosha, E.
Bainomugisha, Y. Vanrompay, Y. Berbers, and W. De
Meuter (2010). “Middleware
for the Internet of Things, Design Goals and Challenges”.
In Journal of Electronic
Communications of the EASST, Volume: 28, eds: Sonia
Ben Mokhtar, Romain Rouvoy and Michael Wagner, published by:
Electronic Communications of the EASST. ISSN 1863-2122.
E. Bainomugisha,
A. Cádiz, P. Costanza, W. De Meuter, S. Gonzalez, K. Mens,
J. Vallejos, and T. Van Cutsem (2012). “Language
for Mobile Software”. In Handbook
of Research on Mobile Software Engineering: Design
Implementation and Emergent Applications, pp: 150 -
166, eds: Paulo Alencar and Donald Cowan, published by: IGI
Global, ISBN-ISSN: 9781615206551.
E. Bainomugisha,
P. Koosha, J. Vallejos, Y. Berbers, and W. De Meuter (2012).
Dynamic Subscriptions for Publish/Subscribe Systems in
MANETs”. In Proceedings
the 12th IFIP International Conference on Distributed
Applications and Interoperable Systems, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume: 7272, pp: 132 - 139, eds:
Karl M. Goschka and Seif Haridi, published by: Springer,
ISBN-ISSN: 978-3-642-30822-2.
E. Bainomugisha
and W. De Meuter (2012). “Open
Reactive Dispatch”. In Proceedings
of the 3rd International workshop on Free composition
(FREECO-SPLASH 2012), Tucson, Arizona, USA, pp: 5 -
8, published by: ACM, ISBN-ISSN: 978-1-4503-1635-4, October
22, 2012.
J. Vallejos, E. Tanter, E. Gonzalez Boix, E.
Bainomugisha, P. Costanza, and W. De Meuter (2008).
Resilient Partitioning of Pervasive Computing Services”.
In Proceedings of the 3rd
ACM Workshop on Software Engineering of Pervasive Services
(SEPS ’08), Sorrento, Italy, pp: 15 - 20, published
by: ACM, ISBN-ISSN: 978-1-60558-214-6.
E. Bainomugisha
(2012). "Reactive
Dispatch for Context-Oriented Programming". Doctoral
dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. (ISBN 978
90 5718 244 0). Published by VUB-Press, Brussels, Belgium. Jury members: Prof.
Dr. Wolfgang De Meuter (Promotor), Prof. Dr. Robert
Hirschfeld, Prof. Dr. Kim Mens, Prof. Dr. Sven Casteleyn,
Prof. Dr. Bernard Manderick, and Prof. Dr. Theo D'Hondt.
E. Bainomugisha
(2008). "Resilient
of Pervasive Computing Services". Masters
dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. Jury members: Prof.
Dr. Wolfgang De Meuter (Promotor), Dr. Jorge Vallejos
(Advisor ), Dr. Elisa Gonzalez Boix (Advisor), Dr. Tom Van
Cutsem, Prof. Dr. Bernard Manderick.
E. Bainomugisha
(2006). "An Automatic Programming Assessment System". 3rd
Year Bachelor project report, Makerere University, Uganda.
E. Bainomugisha,
J. Vallejos, P. Costanza, and W. De Meuter (2011)."Programming
Context-aware Applications with Continuations".
Modelling, Verification and Evolution of Software
(MoVES) yearly event, University of Antwerp, Belgium,
E. Bainomugisha,
J. Vallejos, P. Costanza, W. De Meuter, and T. D’Hondt
(2009). "Propagation-based
Approach for Context-dependent Adaptations".
Modelling, Verification and Evolution of Software
(MoVES) yearly event, Université catholique de Louvain,
Belgium, 2009.
Contact Me
Department of Computer Science,
School of Computing & IT,
Makerere University - Kampala